Applied Strengths Ministry™ Donations
Whoa! This is probably a touchy subject since, no doubt, God has run out of money, especially when the Stock Market crashes or just takes a swan dive into the streets below. Of course I am just kidding. Perhaps you should read on before I get myself in trouble.

What The Scriptures Say
But now wait a minute God has hedged His bets by paving His streets with Gold (Rev 21:21). So what must be preached to allow you to consider returning some money back to God? You know the money He has empowered you to make as His word states He gives you the ability to generate wealth. And what of these beautiful scriptures that tell us something about God and money:
Malachi 3:8-9 - "Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, 'In what way have we robbed You?' In tithes and offerings. 9 You are cursed with a curse, For you have robbed Me, Even this whole nation.
How do we get around this and come to the conclusion that God is not talking about you, about Him, about your money?
2 Cor 9:7 - So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
Nope, we don't want God to love us because of our cheerful giving, do we? I bring this issue up on this page because it is an issue of epic proportions. Look at what Google shares:
5% of churchgoers tithe (Church Development). 1.5 million people tithe out of the 247 million U.S. citizens identifying as Christians (Sharefaith). 77% of tithers give more than 10% (Health Research Funding).
Well, I have addressed both the tithe issue as well as the lie that 247 million people are authentically born-again believers in several messages in my Podcast and my YouTube channel. They are worth a listen.

Donate and Make an Eternal Difference
Now but what could we do if everyone decided that they wanted God to love their cheerful giving into His work? I absolutely believe we could change the world in very tangible ways. Look, everything burns on the last day, so it is imperative that you look at your money as a tool to advance the kingdom of God. This truly is the only way we can ensure that by using a temporary tool, we have made an eternal difference. For me, this is what I want on my spiritual resume when I see His face.
This ministry will succeed because it is God's purpose for me. I am inviting you to be a part of something that will usher in souls changing their eternal address forever. What would you give if it, it meaning money, could save your spouse, child, relative, or friend?
Donate and Make an Eternal Difference
Now but what could we do if everyone decided that they wanted God to love their cheerful giving into His work? I absolutely believe we could change the world in very tangible ways. Look, everything burns on the last day, so it is imperative that you look at your money as a tool to advance the kingdom of God. This truly is the only way we can ensure that by using a temporary tool, we have made an eternal difference. For me, this is what I want on my spiritual resume when I see His face.
This ministry will succeed because it is God's purpose for me. I am inviting you to be a part of something that will usher in souls changing their eternal address forever. What would you give if it, it meaning money, could save your spouse, child, relative, or friend?

Support Us by Making a Donation